Your Virtual Team Meeting Agenda Should Not Include This
Your Virtual Team Meeting Agenda Should Not Include This https://www.voicenext.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/sigmund-YUuSAJkS3U4-unsplash.jpg 1280 850 VoiceNEXT | Your Next Phone Company https://www.voicenext.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/sigmund-YUuSAJkS3U4-unsplash.jpg6 Common Virtual Team Meeting Agenda Mistakes
Virtual team meetings are the new normal for offices. With work from home and hybrid workplace policies, employees and clients find it best to meet virtually. With that being said, more meetings are being scheduled than ever before. With not being physically together, offices rely on virtual meetings to stay connected. So, how can employees manage an influx of meetings? It’s important to set goals and know what to avoid when creating a virtual team meeting agenda.
Here are six common virtual team meeting agenda mistakes your office should be weary of.
Mistake #1: Meeting Goals are Not Defined
It’s easy to get caught up in conversation during a meeting. Especially if there is more than one item to be discussed, it can be difficult to keep track of what needs to be accomplished. The first thing your meeting agenda should include is the reason for the meeting and what should be accomplished by all parties.
Mistake #2: The Screen Isn’t Shared
When presenting the meeting agenda, it’s best to share the screen so all attendees can see what is being discussed. This is especially helpful for agendas with multiple items on the list. If there are any adjustments to the agenda, the changes can be made in real-time and reviewed by everyone in the meeting.
Mistake #3: There is No Opportunity for Collaboration
When creating and reviewing a meeting agenda, it shouldn’t be one-sided. All meeting participants should have a role and the opportunity to collaborate with other attendees. Take the time to let others speak on the meeting agenda and share their thoughts, opinions, and concerns on the topics discussed.
Mistake #4: There’s No Action Items
Every good meeting agenda sets clear action items for all involved parties. This may be known before the meeting starts, at which it should be discussed after the goals are reviewed. Other times, action items cannot be defined until after the meeting has concluded and the next steps are known.
Mistake #5: The Agenda Isn’t Distributed
A big mistake meeting hosts make is not distributing their agenda. This should be done before and after the meeting. Sharing the agenda before the meeting gives attendees the opportunity to review and prepare for what will be discussed. As things will certainly progress in the meeting, action items will evolve and should be added to the agenda, which is why it’s crucial to reshare the updated agenda after the meeting.
Mistake #6: Communication Isn’t Streamlined
To create and share a meeting agenda, communication will have to be streamlined. This includes a reliable meeting, messaging, and calling platform. Many offices choose VoiceNEXT’s Communicator app to provide unified communications for employees and customers. It’s highly intuitive and offers complete integration across existing technology. Soft phones, desk phones, contact management, SMS messaging, conference calling and meeting, and file distribution are all unified and neatly packaged into Communicator.
To learn more about Communicator, contact VoiceNEXT online.