What’s the Difference Between VoIP and WebRTC?
What’s the Difference Between VoIP and WebRTC? https://www.voicenext.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/VoiceNEXT_whats-the-difference-between-voip-and-webrtc_blog-image.png 1024 680 VoiceNEXT | Your Next Phone Company https://www.voicenext.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/VoiceNEXT_whats-the-difference-between-voip-and-webrtc_blog-image.pngQuickly rising in popularity, WebRTC is a newer communication platform with a few key distinctions from its VoIP predecessor. For those who don’t know what WebRTC is, it stands for Real Time Communication and its focus has been on communication through web browsers. It’s a project that Google has been working on since 2011. It’s been gaining notoriety ever since.
Many believe it can soon rival the service provided by VoIP if expanded properly. That in the next few years, they’ll become direct competitors. Because VoiceNEXT appreciates all kinds of innovation within our field, we decided to take a look at how the two systems compare to one another. Here’s what we found.
Similarities Between VoIP and WebRTC
Both services are looking to enhance the user experience. These two platforms can enable devices to effortlessly connect to one another. Bringing people together easier is what both of these systems are about.
There’s a greater possibility for communication. On any network internationally. Therefore, flexibility is the strongest similarity between the two. For either to work, a good internet connection is all that’s needed.
Differences Between VoIP and WebRTC
As it currently stands, VoIP is still the more all-encompassing product. A litany of different platforms is accessible to VoIP. Whether it’s DSL, Wi-Fi, or LTE, VoIP has connectivity. Browser-based communication is still the primary focus of WebRTC.
The benefit of WebRTC is that there are zero plug-ins involved. All communication is taking place on a web browser. So, in many ways, it’s expanding on the foundation built by VoIP many years ago. However, while this can be efficient for personal users, it is not practical for businesses to use.
Web communication is only going to continue to grow. It’s a flourishing market that still has potential waiting to be untapped. WebRTC is evidence of that. It’s still uncertain what will come of this platform in the upcoming years. VoiceNEXT is excited to see where it goes.